Discarnate Arcane Auction

An auction hosted by Discarnate at

Sojourn in the Mist

Ward 16, Plot 2, Mateus
Thursday, May 6, 2021 • 8pm EST
The items are more for the sake of curiosity than power. Those of wealth and means with an eye for the arcane or collectibles could conceivably receive an invitation, and attendees are welcome to attend the auction or expand their network in this dim, occult-themed inn.The auction is purely IC and is intended as flavor for network building. Weapons will not be checked at the door; however, the inn's security will react decisively and ruthlessly if the safety or comfort of the attendees is threatened. We reserve the right to dictate what happens to characters who do not ICly respond to security in an immersive, productive manner.• • •For the auction, we use IC items and IC money—no actual gil will be changing hands. Our event is intended to be fun, provide flavor roleplay, and build connections.Please roleplay an appropriate amount of resources for your character. For comparison, we observe drinks costing from 5 to 100 gil, 1,000 gil as the monthly income of an average craftsperson, and 50,000 gil as the price of a luxury apartment.

May the shadows bring fortune and power to you.


A secretive underworld organization housed within the Sojourn in the Mist, hiding a forbidden arcane presence. Discarnate aggressively pursues magical items from expeditions and sellers, along with any other illicit goods that will fetch a price on the black market.

Discarnate OOC

Discarnate <Disc> is an age 21+ FC that seeks to immerse our members in the atmosphere of an occult-themed underworld environment. We want characters who can be villains and dark heroes—oppressor and oppressed. Though we have characters who can be ruthlessly ambitious, merciless, and demanding, they also have virtues that make them desirable for an organization, and some degree of humanity that makes them relatable on some level. In other words, the organization has no use for psychopaths.There are three layers to Discarnate. To the public, it is a wealthy merchant house that attracts adventurers and scholars to study the many arcane and other curious items it collects. It politely chuckles at the misconception by some that it has actual mages who practice dark magics or have ties to void magic.A second layer is much known to the underworld, specializing in its black market for arcane findings and other illicit goods that can fetch a lofty price. It links buyers to sellers, obtains items of arcane power, and holds mysterious auctions within the labyrinths of its lair. What lays beyond the Veil, deeper in its shadows, is something the organization guards at all costs, spilling blood if necessary.OOCly, we recruit those with the initiative to buy into our story and add to it. ICly, the network seeks those who can follow orders and be cultivated with devotion. It is with intentional purpose that its recruits are called Supplicants, for it is with open minds and hardened resolve that its members rise in stature.Discarnate seeks those who can maintain its cover as a merchant house, including attendants, bartenders, and house staff. It also seeks those who can organize expeditions and delve into dangerous tombs for the acquisition of the forbidden and the lost. The network values scholars to study and catalog its findings, enforcers to protect its resources and project its wrath, and shadows to watch and report.

Beware those who seek to know the shadow, for it shall engulf them for its own design.

FC Features

  • Rank 30

  • Large FC House in the Mist (Ward 14, Plot 2), tastefully decorated to encourage roleplay and welcome visitors from the greater Mateus RP community.

  • Active Discord Server for members, friends, allies, and guests from the Mateus RP community.

  • OOC Linkshell that includes, friends, allies, and any others seeking to tap into our RP and PVE network.

  • Events and / or roleplay prompts for smaller side events.

  • Action Resolution System (aka combat system) intended to encourage roleplay during events by remaining simple in mechanics. This system allows characters to shine in their chosen niches while developing their proficiencies over time. Learn more about it here.

  • Well-tended Chocobo Stable to keep your faithful steed in tip-top shape with home-grown krakka root and Thavnairian onions when you're ready to take them to the next level.


Recruitment to Discarnate is done organically through RP and by invitation only. If you are interested in joining, seek to catch our members in character and strike up a conversation. Impress us; intrigue us, and we’ll see where things lead.

For more information about Discarnate, feel free to reach out to any of the following:

__In-Game Name || Discord __
Taryn Lee || LittleBird#2917
Amira Silivasi || Skylarke#2191
Takara Kano || Talorn#0969
Luciana Caldwell || Renaiel#8490
Xavier Malas || Nikovia#7313

Becoming a Member

Our intent is to provide an inviting, tight-knit community of roleplayers that adhere to lore while exploring stories that develop complex characters. We enjoy PVE content and often coordinate daily roulettes, map runs, FATE grinding, and on rare occasions, raids. But our primary focus is roleplay.We are careful in our selection of members, knowing this tight-knit community can easily be disrupted by drama. Our process is designed to best ascertain a solid IC and OOC fit within our ranks.Discarnate is not a beginner’s RP Free Company. Here are some things we subscribe to as experienced roleplayers that you should, too, if you wish to join us:

  • Members are expected to be knowledgeable of the lore of the Final Fantasy XIV world in at least as much as it relates to their character.

  • Our members are of a high caliber of roleplayer. While we don’t expect multi-paragraph posts every time, we do expect well-thought-out posts that are legibly written and contribute to or enhance the story being told.

  • Members are expected to have/make their own storyline and RP when officers are not running a guild story or event. It is not the responsibility of the officers to make sure that you are entertained and enjoying your gameplay. Wallflowers will not be humored.

  • Discarnate makes very heavy use of Discord for communication, both IC and OOC. All information related to planned FC RP and activities will be posted in Discord and it is your responsibility to keep yourself informed.

  • We require members to be age 21+. On average, we are an older group than most in terms of members' ages.

  • We use an action resolution system designed by our members to resolve IC conflict and actions. All member characters are expected to have a combat sheet that details their proficiencies in battle, magic, professions, etc, that can be referred to during events and for other skill checks. Officers are happy to help if you need assistance with this process.

Other things you should know before you apply:

  • We expect a small amount of time (at a minimum) committed to the guild per week. We are trying to build both an IC and OOC community

  • You are expected to do your research on both your character and this FC to make sure you will be a good fit for the FC’s IC premise and its OOC community.

  • OOC, members should come into Discarnate with an agreeable attitude and a willingness to write collaborative RP stories with others.

  • We are here to laugh, play, and enjoy RP with friends. Even though IC can get serious at times, out of character interactions should remain civil, friendly, and light-hearted, knowing that what happens between characters is meant only for story-building and not as an attack on players OOC.

  • Observation of standard roleplay etiquette. This means no godmoding (forcing your actions on another player without their permission or a chance to react), no metagaming (using information obtained out of character to affect roleplay in character), and no cross-over of IC/OOC feelings (allowing in character actions to cause you emotional stress in real life and vice versa), character actions are subject to IC consequences (just because it’s pretend doesn’t mean your character can get away with things they couldn’t in real life).

  • Many of us play villainous, bullying, or sadistic characters. HOWEVER, we do not tolerate OOC bullying, discrimination, emotional abuse, or invasion of privacy. In short, we lift each other up and support each other in real life, but our characters can come into conflict in roleplay.

  • Our FC uses a ladder system IC to create a feeling of hierarchy and structure that many seek and often cannot find in FFXIV. Characters are expected to follow the chain of command, show respect to those above them, or accept the RP consequences of defying or ignoring orders.

Should you decide to apply, be prepared to give us a reason our characters would be motivated to hire you. The dark and secretive nature of Discarnate does not lend itself to hiring strangers off the street. Be creative—give us a hook. What rumors might we have heard or be able to dig up about your character that would entice us to consider you for a place within our ranks? Characters simply looking for a paycheck will be turned away at the door.

Character Expectations

Prospects can join Discarnate in many ways, so long as the RP makes sense. It is up to you to find a reason to join our FC and provide a hook for us to want you.All those who work under the Discarnate banner are aware and accepting of the organization's secretive nature and underworld dealings, even if they are not directly involved. If you haven't already, read about Discarnate's mission here and make sure it is something both you and your character are comfortable with.Characters must be able to take orders and work within an established hierarchy structure. Our dark RP comes from the ruthlessness required to outperform competitors and enact vengeance on those who move against us.

Possible Member Roles

When applying to the FC, players/characters will go through an IC and OOC interview to make sure the player and character are a good fit for the role.The following are suggestions only. Players are welcome to propose a role that may not be listed here, as long as it makes sense within our setting.

  • Scholars / Mages / Enchanters

  • Enforcers / Guards

  • Adventurers / Treasure Hunters

  • Healers / Doctors / Medics

  • Sneaks / Thieves / Information Gatherers

  • Transportation Specialist / Smugglers


  • Prospect - A new member whose loyalty, specialties, and path are still being assessed. They remain at this rank for a minimum of 2 weeks until they advance to a new rank through RP. A Prospect who doesn't log in for 14 days is removed from the FC but can reapply.

  • Staff - A Prospect who wishes to work for the house in a support capacity including attendants, bartenders, chefs, bookkeepers, procurer, or similar role joins this rank. They will not be allowed on missions behind the Veil nor be briefed on the specifics of the underworld network. In all other ways, they are part of Discarnate and are protected as such. A wise staff member asks few questions and will be valued for their discretion.

  • Freelancer - A Prospect who wishes to work for Discarnate on an ad hoc basis, with little oversight but who can be called upon for their skills, joins this rank. Its advantage is that they remain independent of becoming loyal, daily foot soldiers of the network. The drawback is that they will advance no further in rank, utilized for their specialties and little more. It is an ideal rank for a casual character or one who chafes under strict orders. They can attend any mission outside the Veil, which includes most missions.

  • Ascendant - A Prospect who wishes to advance within the network itself, furthering the plans of the Wardens, joins this rank. They are warned that much will be expected of them, but they will be able to rise and learn more of the network. They are told they must pass the First Rite. They may refuse and become a Freelancer instead, but if they assent, there is no turning back. Supplicants begin to learn the full range of Discarnate's activities and may come to learn of the existence of dark magi in the network but little else about their activities.

  • Watcher - This rank includes the founding members of Discarnate as well as Supplicants who have earned further trust and wish to undergo the Second Rite. As their title suggests, they’re trusted and empowered to watch for threats to the network, inside and out, as well as for opportunities for the network’s profit and gain.

  • Votary - Veteran Watchers who demonstrate signs of leadership, mentorship, and initiative can ascend to Votary, possibly serving as lieutenants to the Wardens.

  • Warden - Wardens lead the network, acting as the keepers of its secrets. Their word is law, and those who don’t jump to their orders will likely regret it.

How to Join

Recruiting is closed at this time, but we're available to form RP connections.

  1. Thoroughly read and agree to our rules/expectations then fill out an application (button below). Take this task seriously as it's our first glimpse of you and your character. If you’ve made it this far, it’s safe to assume we’ve impressed you. Now it’s your turn to impress us.

  2. If your application is approved, we may conduct an OOC interview in-game or in Discord. This is more about making sure what you seek in an FC matches what we offer. We don't want power gamers, extremely powerful characters, snowflakes, and immaturity within our FC.

  3. Next, make yourself known to us IC. Set up an IC interview or interaction based on how you plan to join the FC with your character. Give us a hook for why we might want to bring you on—do you have a reputation we might have heard of or can you offer a skillset or talent we can’t refuse? What dirt can we dig up that will entice us to hire you on?

  4. New recruits are encouraged to frequent the FC house to hang around looking for RP for a week or so before a higher up will officially hire them on. This is where you prove your dedication to RP with our community.

  5. Once you join, you'll be expected to fulfill the following tasks within 14 days: secure an IC interview to be brought into Discarnate, create a combat sheet using our custom-made Action Resolution System, and write a short message for your character on the in-game roster, explaining your character's purpose there.

Please approach others for help—we don't bite!Prospects who are inactive for 30 days are removed but are free to reapply. Other members who are inactive for 30 days are moved to Reserves and are then removed after another 30 days unless they make prior arrangements. Real life always comes first and there is no shame in moving to the Reserves rank.

For more information about Discarnate or joining us, feel free to reach out to any of the following:

In-Game || Discord
Taryn Lee || LittleBird#2917
Amira Silivasi || Skylarke#2191
Takara Kano || Talorn#0969
Luciana Caldwell || Renaiel#8490
Xavier Malas || Nikovia#7313